Kadhi Pakoda

Kadhi pakoda is a popular North Indian recipe of gram flour dumplings in a creamy & sour yoghurt sauce. It look awesome and tasty with Steam Rice.


For Pakoda:-
Gram Flour -1 cup
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
Red chili Powder -1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Water as required
Oil for Frying

For Kadhi:-
Gram flour -1 cup
Curd -1.5 cup
Water - 3 cup
Red chili Powder -1/2 tsp
Turmeric Powder -1/2 tsp
Asafoetida - 1/4 tsp
Curry leaves -10-12
Cumin Seeds -1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds -1/2 tsp
Sunflower Oil - 2 Tsp

For Tadka:-
Ghee- 2 Tsp
Curry leaves- 10-12 
Red chili whole - 3-4 
Asafoetida - A pinch
Red chili powder - 1/4 tsp


1. Mix Gram flour, Turmeric powder, Red chilli Powder,Salt and water as required.Beat well.( drop a small amount of mixture in water if it's float mean batter is ready )
2. Heat oil in kadhi . Drop small mixture in frying pan and fry till golden brown.

For making Kadhi:-
1. Mix well  gram flour , curd and water . So that there is no lumps.
2. Heat oil in a pan. Put Asafoetida , curry leaves , turmeric powder , red chilli powder, cumin seeds, mustard seeds and make it crackle.
3.Now pour the mixture. Keep on stirring often so that the bottom does not get browned. Lower the flame  and simmer for 6-7 min . Than add salt to taste. Now add Pakoda no cook for 5-6 min , so that the pakoda gets soaked well in Kadhi.
4. Now Heat Ghee in a pan add. Add Asafoetida, cumin seeds, mustard seeds,curry leaves, whole red chilli, red chilli powder.Sprinkle over Kadhi.
5. Serve Hot with Steam Rice.
