
 Thought of the Day :-   Love yourself enough to live a Healthy Lifestyle.

Rasgulla is a syrupy dessert popular in the Indian subcontinent and regions with South Asian diaspora. It is made from ball shaped dumplings of chhena (an Indian cottage cheese) cooked in light syrup made of sugar.

Ingredients :-

For Paneer Balls :-
1litre full cream milk
Lemon juice 
Water - 1 cup

For Sugar Syrup 
2 cup sugar
8 glass water 

Preparation :-

For Paneer Balls :-

  1.  Boil milk in a thick bottom pan,add lemon juice and stir well.
  2.  Stir till milk curdles completely & immediately drain into hanker chief .pour water in the paneer to remove excess lemon contain in it. 
  3. Hang for about 30 min till the water drains out completely.
  4. Take the paneer in a bowl and knead paneer till it becomes smooth without any grains of milk appx 10-15 min.
  5.  Now make small balls of the paneer and keep aside. 
For Sugar syrup :-
  1.  Take sugar in a pan and add water.
  2. Boil the syrup for 10 min on low flame and than add the paneer ball.
  3. Cover and let it boil for another 10 -12 min.
  4. Cool completely and chilled before serving
